Gmail chat is amazing! Allison is a childhood friend of mine that I kind of lost touch with over the years. By childhood, I mean we are 12 days apart and our moms were friends when we were in the womb. So, we go way back! After chatting for over a year on gmail and Alli moving back to MS, we're catching up. She's been wanting to come visit Truett and me. So, Friday was the day since her small break between school sessions at RTS is over. Thanks for the visit Addi!! We loved it!!
Since I can't be there and am jealous like I used to be when you and Alli would play together without me: can we give credit to the friend who came along 3 months later that has kept us bonded together through all these years? Gosh, I love you two.
i do agree!!
Please tell Allison hi for me. We really need to all get together....where is she living in MS? And, that Erin ...I love looking at her blog!
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